I'm late to the party again, but I just discovered ConEmu . For the last year or so, I've been using Git Bash (and prior to that, I used cygwin). I can't remember why exactly I switched away from cygwin, but I vaguely recall that something funky happened when I was trying to develop something while using cygwin, and then I told myself never to use it again because I was so annoyed. Git Bash seemed to be the most straightforward and simplistic thing to use for <whatever I was trying to do>, so there I went. I just couldn't get myself to like it the way I liked cygwin, though. You know how sometimes when you have to use the mouse to copy and paste stuff into your terminal? Yeah. It was so annoying in Git Bash and no, I really didn't want to google for a hack to make it work. Out of frustration, I asked Google if there was a "better terminal for Windows". The first link was a StackOverflow page where the author of ConEmu replied. "Why not", ...
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