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Installed Debian Wheezy, Metasploit on Lenovo X61s

I installed Debian Wheezy on my Lenovo X61s.

  1. Get debian-7.5.0-i386-netinst.iso and use uNetbootin to install it to a USB drive.

    In uNetbootin, select ISO and find the netinst.iso file, and then make sure it gets installed to the proper USB drive.
  2. Reboot and launch the Debian installer (make sure X61s can boot from USB).
  3. Debian installer said that I needed to load additional firmware for my wireless card:
    Some of your hardware needs non-free firmware files to operate. The firmware can be loaded from removable media, such as a USB stick or floppy.

    The Missing firmware files are: iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode

    If you have such media available now, insert it, and continue.

    Load missing firmware from removable media?

    <Yes> <No>
  4. On another computer, go here ( and download the firmware file. (Click the "all" link and it should take you to Then choose an ftp location and download the .deb file)
  5. Get another USB drive and put that .deb file on it.
  6. Now put that second USB drive into the X61s and hit "Yes".
  7. Continue through the installation (I tweaked my installation a little for the partitions/LVM, and had to make sure GRUB installed to /dev/sda, which was my primary hard drive.)
  8. Then reboot into Debian Wheezy!

After I got into Debian Wheezy, I followed these instructions to install metasploit:

Some differences:
  1. When I came to the step to install ruby, I did the following command to get the latest ruby 1.9.3.

    rvm install ruby-1.9.3

  2. Then I had to do

    source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
  3. I also installed msf into /opt instead of /root.


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