I've had this idea kicking around for a long time now, to use a camera on some kind of moving thing that takes pictures and puts it on the web. (http://www.uncommonprojects.com/uplog/2008/10/14/coding-a-networked-bike/) But instead of using a bike, since I don't bike often, I want to do this with a kite. "Drones can do that for you so you don't have to fly the kite", you might say. And yes, I do have a drone! But before I sink a lot of money in a nice drone setup and GoPro, I think I better practice with my current (cheap) drone. In the meantime, I want to achieve a few things by jumping into kite aerial photography:
1. Make my own kite. Yes, that's right. With my sewing machine that sits unloved in the corner of my room. That makes for another small sub-side-project: learning how to use my sewing machine.
2. Build somewhat of a camera stabilizing harness. I don't know how that'll turn out, but if it works... I'll be so happy.
3. Trigger a camera running CHDK from my Arduino clone/LinkIt One. The reason I want to use the LinkIt One is that it comes with a gpsr and can also write to a microSD card. When I trigger the camera, I also want to read gps data so I can georeference and georectify my pictures later on a map.
4. Put the places I fly my kite rig on a map (on a personal website). It'd be so cool to map the coastline...
What have I done so far?
1. Got a camera that hopefully will work with CHDK. I haven't loaded CHDK on it yet, but according to the website, it should work.
2. Got the LinkIt One to get gps data and parse the nmea data. Also, checked to make sure that the battery for the LinkIt One will work.
3. Got mini-usb cables.
Next step is to cut up a mini usb cable so I can connect it to the LinkIt One and camera. The goal here is to make the LinkIt One send a 5V signal to the camera to trigger the shutter. Hope I don't blow out any of the electronics. :)
1. Make my own kite. Yes, that's right. With my sewing machine that sits unloved in the corner of my room. That makes for another small sub-side-project: learning how to use my sewing machine.
2. Build somewhat of a camera stabilizing harness. I don't know how that'll turn out, but if it works... I'll be so happy.
3. Trigger a camera running CHDK from my Arduino clone/LinkIt One. The reason I want to use the LinkIt One is that it comes with a gpsr and can also write to a microSD card. When I trigger the camera, I also want to read gps data so I can georeference and georectify my pictures later on a map.
4. Put the places I fly my kite rig on a map (on a personal website). It'd be so cool to map the coastline...
What have I done so far?
1. Got a camera that hopefully will work with CHDK. I haven't loaded CHDK on it yet, but according to the website, it should work.
2. Got the LinkIt One to get gps data and parse the nmea data. Also, checked to make sure that the battery for the LinkIt One will work.
3. Got mini-usb cables.
Next step is to cut up a mini usb cable so I can connect it to the LinkIt One and camera. The goal here is to make the LinkIt One send a 5V signal to the camera to trigger the shutter. Hope I don't blow out any of the electronics. :)
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