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Clonezilla attempt: Windows 7 HDD to SSD

I've used Clonezilla to try and clone failing hard drives, but I can't recall if I was ever successful with it. A family member's laptop was running slow and we determined it was due to a failing hard drive (can you guess... it was a Seagate drive).

There was a bit of a dilemma, though. I had a replacement SSD, but it was smaller than the failing hard drive. Originally, I was going to try this:, but I totally forgot about it because I was entirely thrown off by the extra partitions (the recovery partitions).

So what I ended up doing was:

1. Shrink the main Windows partition with gparted
2. Copy the partitions from the source hard drive to the target drive
3. Set the proper flags (e.g. "boot" and "diag") on the target drive's partitions
4. In Clonezilla, do a part-to-local-part clone for each of the partitions

It was mostly success except for the recovery partitions. I think maybe it has to do with the MBR... so I will research and try to figure out what needs to be done.


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