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Goal smashing and missing

August and September were weird months due to some things happening at work. It's pretty much settled down now, and I will be working on some exciting new things.

First off, I didn't hit any of my goals for C or golang projects. However, I did continue working on my small Android project (simple todo list). I'm making really slow progress on it since I spend just one evening per week (or something like it) on it. I've also been making really slow progress on my image processing online class. I've only been spending about an evening per week on it as well.

In August and September, I've finished Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World (Adam Grant) and Outliers: The Story of Success (Malcolm Gladwell). I just started Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for some lighter reading.

I also started a class on binary exploitation with a colleague. Kind of going slowly through it, but I am getting more comfortable reading assembly and using gdb.

In the middle of all that stuff going on in the last 2 months, I scratched a few things off the "bucket list" for work:

1. Got me some nice swag
2. Went to a class about matcha (that goes in line with my "bucket list" item of signing up for cooking classes)
3. Rode a company-branded bike
4. Gave stuff away for free and got some free stuff via the internal classifieds

Last but not least, I've begun exercising again. Did I mention that I joined the gym?


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