2018 was crazy. I didn't get through any ML or OS classes as I hoped. But, there are many other positives.
- I started working on a very exciting project (with a very amazing team), where I am learning a lot in security. I'm also learning about distributed systems and trying to level up my Java skills, sort of.
- Did some reading. Finished 14 books and have started several.
- I've never really read academic papers, but in the last few months I've read a few of them. The most recent one was, "Towards a Timely Causality Analysis for Enterprise Security" (Liu, Zhang, et. al).
This year I want to finish an intro to OS course. Again, I'm going to try "Operating Systems: From 0 to 1". Just one course. No more procrastinating.
I also want to finish the following books:
- Influence without authority
- Extreme ownership
- How to win friends and influence people
- Crucial conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high
- The intelligent investor
I'd like to read the ACM magazine that I get in the mail, within the week I receive it. No more letting it collect dust.
I will ask more questions and not be afraid to look dumb. I will write down the stuff that I am learning. Maybe here or just in a Google document.
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