This post was originally a 2019 retrospective, but I never finished it... oops! Since last year, I've done a number of interesting projects. One was a data engineering kind of project, where I created a data import using something similar to Apache Beam. I also worked on a number of issues related to performance and Spanner. I think the gist of those problems boiled down to database schema design. It's been awhile though! Somewhere in the middle of all that, I started working on the Advent of Code 2019, with the intent of learning Rust. I got about 2 exercises in and then the holidays hit, so... that's been sitting and waiting for me to get back. Books I've gotten my nose into: Designing Data-Intensive Applications (in progress), Dune (also in progress), The Phoenix Project (done), and a couple other nonfiction. Early this year, I took on a new position at a startup that's doing asteroid detection. The astrodynamics is pretty over my head, and I...
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