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June 2020 check-in

This post was originally a 2019 retrospective, but I never finished it... oops!

Since last year, I've done a number of interesting projects. One was a data engineering kind of project, where I created a data import using something similar to Apache Beam. I also worked on a number of issues related to performance and Spanner. I think the gist of those problems boiled down to database schema design. It's been awhile though!

Somewhere in the middle of all that, I started working on the Advent of Code 2019, with the intent of learning Rust. I got about 2 exercises in and then the holidays hit, so... that's been sitting and waiting for me to get back. Books I've gotten my nose into: Designing Data-Intensive Applications (in progress), Dune (also in progress), The Phoenix Project (done), and a couple other nonfiction.

Early this year, I took on a new position at a startup that's doing asteroid detection. The astrodynamics is pretty over my head, and I'm amazed at the stuff the rocket scientists (literally) are working on. There's lots to learn, and just recently we launched an alpha API that can do a Monte Carlo simulation on an asteroid propagation. Looking forward to continued work on this... It's along the lines of Apache Beam (again), a bunch of Google Cloud, Vue.js, and spacekit.js.

Probably the most exciting thing so far, though, is that I got a new toy... a shiny workstation! Mainly going to use it for photo editing (and maybe even video editing later), as well as software development. It's been a long time since I built a computer (the last time I did, it had IDE interfaces). Specs are:

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
32 GB DDR4 3200
GeForce RTX 2060
500 GB NVMe M.2

I'm also running Win10 Pro with WSL2 (Debian 10), and so far, the experience has been good. It's definitely a Linux kind of experience, so lots of tinkering, Googling for answers, getting stuck, and then finding something that works. :) Not too different from my usual workflow anyway...

As for customization, here are a few things I've started...

Nord terminal theme
Prof XFCE theme
powerline for bash and vim


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